Monday, March 12, 2012

PS Vita - self contemplative debate

The PlayStation Vita. The latest gaming handheld from Sony.

Certainly looks like a pretty slick device with its vibrant OLED screen, dual analog sticks (my 3DS is jealous) and other wowzers features. On paper, it's the perfect handheld. So why don't I want it?

Well for one, I already have a 3DS, which I do enjoy despite its relative limitations when compared to the Vita. The 3DS has essentially replaced my Wii for Nintendo games, as that console is all but on life support at this stage. I still intend to keep my Wii around for a few titles before the Wii U comes out, but I'm saddened by how quickly it was abandoned by Nintendo, considering how it dominated the market for years. But the 3DS is getting great content at a consistent pace and I'm just overall happy with it.

I'm still using my PS3 regularly, probably more than any other device I own. I watch blu-rays on it, netflix, and oh yeah, incredible games. PS3 is here to stay for a couple more years at least and that's fine by me. So I don't need a Vita to supplement my PlayStation experience, because I already have that.

I also have an iPhone, and although that device does not replace a dedicated gaming handheld by any means, it does take up valuable pocket space (could a Vita fit in a pocket? probably not). Am I going to cart around more than one device with me at a time? Well I know some people do it. Some people bring their iPad and Laptop wherever they go. Others dual-wield phones (blackberry and android for instance).

This issue could DEFINITELY be filed under first world problems. I just don't know if I want to bring all of this tech with me everywhere I go. On a flight - sure, I take maybe one flight every 2-3 years, so that justification is out. A road trip? No I like to talk to people and enjoy the experience. So I don't know if I would even take the Vita out of my home if I got it, essentially removing the whole point of a handheld, no?

File:Nintendo 3DS and PS Vita.jpgAnd finally, the price. $250 for the wi-fi only unit. Not bad when you consider the price for other tech out there. But start throwing in things you need, like a memory card, which goes from $30 - $99 depending on the size. Plus games, screen protector, etc. This device adds up in cost pretty quickly. And where I already have a 3DS, an iPhone, and all of the home consoles, I just can't justify it. I'm not rolling around in money by any means, I'm a poor poor freelancer, but instead of spending my money on things like booze or weed, I buy video games, it's my addiction.

Given all of these factors, it seems like despite my love of video games, the PS Vita just isn't in the cards for me right now. Certainly a great handheld, and I don't think other people shouldn't get one, go ahead gobble them up! I just can't afford/justify it right now, which really sucks.

A PS Vita is not in my near future, unless I win the lottery, then I'd buy 12.

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