Monday, March 26, 2012

Cicrle Pad Pro

I finally got my hands on the Circle Pad Pro accessory for my 3DS.

I looked for it at every EB Games and GameStop (who are the exclusive retailers for the accessory) in the HRM and no dice. They kept telling me it was either sold out or dis-continued, some clerks also told me that it would be coming out packaged with certain games down the road, similar to the Wii's Classic Controller Pro.

I asked Nintendo about it and their spokesperson told me that it wasn't discontinued, and she was a little peeved that the retailer was telling me a different story.

So they sent me a review copy from their inventory, I'm hoping I can hold onto it instead of sending it back.

Why do I want to keep it? Because it is awesome at what it does despite its shortcomings.

Let's get this out of the way first nice and quick, like ripping off a bandaid - This accessory simply should not have to exist. Shipping the 3DS without a second analog stick was an enormous design flaw. Did Nintendo not see how it affected the original PSP or even with their original DS line? (although it wasn't as crucial back then)

The fact that we need a Circle Pad Pro accessory now shows the error in the 3DS' original design. Nintendo's audience will now be divided - those who have the circle pad pro and those who don't. splitting the market for games as well - those designed with dual analog control and those without.

And there may be those out there who will now wait for a 3DS refresh, with a second analog stick built in, before taking the plunge.

Ok there. Bad Nintendo. Remember this next time.

Anyways. The accessory itself, despite its girth, is surprisingly comfortable to hold and use. When I saw images of it online I was taken aback by its sheer size. However, now that I've held it and played it for long periods of time, it's actually more comfortable to use a 3DS with a Circle Pad Pro than without.

A lot of the comfort has to do with its ergonomic design. It lays in your hand just like a controller would.

The second circle pad and the shoulder buttons are placed nicely, and it improves the overall experience during games like Resident Evil: Revelations.

However, the accessory isn't without its faults. The device relies on its own AAA battery, it doesn't charge with the 3DS or anything fancy like that. It also won't fit on the 3DS charging cradle, so you need to take your 3DS out and put it back on after each play session in order to charge the handhelds admittedly small battery life (4-5 hours)

But the Circle Pad Pro does what it's supposed to do - It provides dual-analog gaming on the 3DS and it even makes long-term gaming more comfortable, while simultaneously eliminating any chance of putting it in your pocket.

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